Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hit The Ground Running.

Dear Diary....


I'm always at a loss for words when it comes to opening lines for an entry. A part of it stems from the fact that I dislike repeating myself on the grounds of it sounding overused but in some ways it breeds familiarity for the reader. It certainly sounds like I have a short attention span and I think that pretty much sums up my character. Of course, when it comes to certain activities such as gaming or cycling, I can pretty much stay glued on my bike/console for long periods of time.

Well then, the one thing that I do like to do is post up silly videos before I even begin writing about my main topic so here goes today's video, a great spiritual successor or even an Australian version of this video.

Oh hipsters, they're the of this decade. I wonder what the future will bring next? Farmer-core? Bike-ies? Who knows? I don't.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand and that is the fact that as of the 1st of April, I will be effectively jobless.


Not really, while I may be jobless in April but as of this moment, there are so many possible avenues for me to pursue, I'm not so sure what I want to do. Here's a quick list of what I could pursue:-
  • Start up my own Post-Production Studio.
  • Produce a web series.
  • Switch careers and become a junior tech writer.
  • Go back to film school.
  • Become a freelance video editor.
That's all I can think of at the top of my head. The whole bit about starting up my own Post-Production Studio is actually being put into action but I still have my doubts as funding is a real chore when it comes to this. I won't lie and say that this is a very scary time for me and deep down I'm scared shitless but no point panicking about it. All I have to do is soldier on and I should be fine. 

Gosh, it sounds like I'm constantly reassuring myself that everything will be okay.

Silly Boy.

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