Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hello, my name is Amir.

Greetings and welcome!

My name is Amir and I'm an alcoholic.

Oh wait.

My name is Amir and I'm a jobless bum.

In my last post, I spoke about being at the crossroads of my life and after enjoying a much-needed break/honeymoon; I'm excited about getting back to the brouhaha of things! I've always wanted to make a video CV for myself but it took some chutzpah to actually sit down and tackle the long list of self-imposed problems I had made for myself. Let me list a few of the down:

  • I have very little access to a huge chunk of the programmes that I've worked on.
  • I no longer have access to any form of production equipment.
  • I'm a broke little bitch.
  • Nega-Amir (Had to steal your idea Mr. Bryan Lee O'Malley!)
I suppose they don't call it self-imposed because someone else caused it and I feel that the biggest hurdle one has to overcome is always themselves. Nobody can be a harsher critic than yourself. Don't expect things to magically work out after sorting your own personal self-esteem issues though.

It only gets tougher from here on.

So I managed to say "Fuck it!" and begged, borrowed, and stole my way to get this video done. That was just the first step to greatness. By my calculations, I've got a long way to go before I even have a sip of greatness. 

Either way, time to get things done.

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