Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day One, Year Zero.

Isn't funny that every single time I begin to write a post, I have to think of something clever or funny to say? So how about this for an opening line that is completely different to how I write but yet terribly like me.

"Hello and Welcome,

Did you know that a pig's orgasm can last up to 30 minutes? And that Charlie Chaplin had an extremely amazing/strong voice?"

Well, there you go. That was my best attempt at being informational, educational, and somewhat humorous. Did I succeed, well, first of all, stop slouching in front of the damn computer and sit up straight! You'll hurt your back that way. 

Now, I digress. I did not intend to revive my post with random facts and smart jibes but rather, warm up to the concept of writing posts again and perhaps, get back to my extremely ancient Fiction Press Account. Yes, I used to write some pretty outlandish and childish things but hey, everybody started somewhere didn't they? Of course, looking back at it, I wrote those stories when I was but a wee 17 year old virgin with little understanding of how the world worked. 

I've nominated this year to be the year that I focus on the many zany ideas I have stored in my notebook, iPhone Notes app and .txt files. One of them was to get back into writing again and to not concentrate on quality but quantity and consistency. No, I'm not going to spew out whatever crap that comes to mind but I'm going to try and focus on the key things that make me who I am. 

A twenty something hipster who just got married?
A crazy guy on a bike?
A man who like to do maths to the tune of  (8x3)+1-(20^2)-5?
A video editor who is ridiculously friendly with his clients?

I just might do that but for now, I'll try and divide it into neat categories with tags that make sense. So this of course involves me talking about:-

  • Food: Be it cooking it or consuming it. I'm big on food. Probably explains why I ended up big as well.
  • Cycling: Cycling for fun, competitively and most importantly for the goddamn sense of adventure it gives me!
  • My Daily Life: It IS a blog after all isn't it?
I'm also going to link to my wife's blog - The Panicking Wife. She's the one who's a real writer. I'm just along for the ride. I'm hoping for her to teach me a thing or two about adhering to schedules.

And so with that, I bid you all:-

Good Internets!


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